Ein Forschungsprojekt des Institutes für Pflegewissenschaft - Universität Basel

Sustainable Improvement of INTERprofessional
care for better resident outcomes: SCAling up an
Evidence-based care model for Residential
Long-Term Care Facilities (INTERSCALE)

University of Basel

V1 Home


INTERCARE is a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (National Research Program 74), the Nursing Science Foundation Switzerland (Stiftung Pflegewissenschaft) and the Ebnet Foundation (Ebnet Stiftung). The aim of the INTERCARE project is to reduce avoidable hospitalizations in Swiss nursing homes by means of an interprofessional nurse-led model of care.

More about INTERCARE study

National report

A nurse-led care model to strengthen geriatric expertise in nursing homes: The development and content of the INTERCARE model.


Certificate of Advanced Studies “INTERCARE – Enhancing clincial expertise in geriatrics”.

1.5-year part-time course for nurses

Start in February 2021


INTERCARE conference

The INTERCARE conference took place in April 2021

Access to conference material