Ein Forschungsprojekt des Institutes für Pflegewissenschaft - Universität Basel


The new INTERCARE report is now available here!

Second national report: Implementation and evaluation of the INTERCARE model.

First national report: Development and content of the INTERCARE model



Guerbaai, R.A., Dollinger, C., Kressig, R.W., Zeller, A., Wellens, N.I.H., Popejoy, L. L., Serdaly, C., Zúñiga, F. (2023). Factors associated with avoidable hospital transfers among residents in Swiss nursing homes. Geriatric Nursing, 53, 12 18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2023.06.015

Guerbaai, R.A., De Geest, S., Popejoy, L.L., Simon, M., Wellens, N.I.H., Denhaerynck, K., Zúñiga, F. Evaluating the implementation fidelity to a successful nurse-led model (INTERCARE) which reduced nursing home unplanned hospitalisations. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 138 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-09146-8


Litschgi, V., Zúñiga, F., Brunkert, T., De Geest, S., Simon, M., Staudacher S., Kressig, R.W., Wellens, N.I.H., Serdaly, C., Bartakova, J., Guerbaai, R.A. Sustainable improvement of INTERprofessional care for better resident outcomes: SCALing up an Evidence-based care model for nursing homes (INTERSCALE). A protocol for a scoping literature review (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6881266

Guerbaai, R.A., Zeller, A., Kressig, R.W., Simon, M., Wellens, N., Serdaly, C., De Pietro, C., Zúñiga, F. und die INTERCARE Forschungsgruppe (2022). INTERCARE – Umsetzung eines pflegegeleiteten Versorgungsmodell in Pflegeinstitutionen zur Reduktion von Spitaleinweisungen. Primary and Hospital Care. 2022;22(11):335–336. https://doi.org/10.4414/phc-d.2022.10568

Zúñiga, F., Wicki, R., Staudacher, S., & Basinska, K. Wie Pflegeexpert_innen in Deutschschweizer Pflegeheimen ihre Rollenentwicklung gestalten. Pflege. 2022; 35(6):337–43. https://doi.org/10.1024/1012-5302/a000889

Bartakova, J., Zúñiga, F., Guerbaai, R.A., Basinska, K., Brunkert, T., Simon, M., Denhaerynck, K., De Geest, S., Wellens, N.I.H., Serdaly, C., Kressig, R.W., Zeller, A., Popejoy, L., Nicca, D., Desmedt, M., De Pietro, C. Health Economic Evaluation of A Nurse-Led Care Model from The Nursing Home Perspective Focusing on Residents’ Hospitalizations. BMC Geriatrics. 2022; 22(496): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-03182-5

Basinska, K., Zúñiga, F., Simon, M., De Geest, S., Guerbaai, R.A., Wellens, N.I.H., Nicca, D., Brunkert, T. Implementation of a complex intervention to reduce hospitalizations from nursing homes: A mixed-method evaluation of implementation process and outcomes. BMC Geriatrics. 2022; 22(196): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-02878-y

Guerbaai, R.A., Kressig, R.W., Zeller A., Tröger, M., Nickel, C.H., Benkert, B., Wellens, N.I.H., Osińska, M., Simon, M., Zúñiga, F., Identifying Appropriate Nursing Home Resources to Reduce Fall-Related Emergency Department Transfers. The Journal of the American Directors Association. 2022; 23(8):1304-1310.e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jamda.2022.01.063

Zúñiga, F., (shared first authorship), Guerbaai, R.A., (shared first authorship), De Geest, S., Popejoy, L.L., Bartakova, J., Denhaerynck, K., Trutschel, D., Basinska, K., Nicca, D., Kressig, R.W., Zeller, A., Wellens, N.I.H., De Pietro, C., Desmedt, M., Serdaly, C., Simon, M. Positive effect of the INTERCARE nurse-led model on reducing nursing home transfers: a non-randomized stepped-wedge design. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2022; 70:15461557. https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.17677


Basinska, K.,  Künzler-Heule, P., Guerbaai, RA., Zúñiga, F., Simon, M., Wellens, N. I. H.,  Serdaly, C., Nicca, D. Residents’ and Relatives’ Experiences of Acute Situations: A Qualitative Study to Inform a Care Model. The Gerontologist. 2021; 61(7):1041–52. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnab027


Basinska, K., Wellens, N. I. H., Simon, M., Zeller, A., Kressig, R. W., & Zúñiga, F. Registered nurses in expanded roles improve care in nursing homes: Swiss perspective based on the modified Delphi method. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2021; 77(2):742–54.  https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14644


Zúñiga, F., De Geest, S., Guerbaai, R.A., Basinska, K., Nicca, D., Kressig, R.W., Zeller, A., Wellens, N.I.H., De Pietro, C., Vlaeyen, E., Desmedt, M., Serdaly, C., Simon, M. (2019). Strengthening Geriatric Expertise in Swiss Nursing Homes: INTERCARE Implementation Study Protocol. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(10), 2145-2150. https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.16074


Zúñiga, F., Basinska, K., Kressig, R.W., Zeller, A., Simon, M. Das Projekt INTERCARE, Pflegegeleitete Versorgungs­modelle in der Langzeitpflege. Primary and Hospital Care, 17(14), 270-271. https://doi.org/10.4414/phc-d.2017.01553

SBK-Zeitschrift April 17 – INTERCARE (1): Projekt INTERCARE: Pflegegeleitete Versorgung


SBK Congress, May 16 - 17, 2019

CALASS, September 16 - 18, 2021

Zentralschweizer Pflegesymposium Management & ANP, 16 - 17 October 2018